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“We Met At Summer Camp!” – Long Distance Couple Relationship Story

This Long Distance Couple Relationship Story Is Absolutely Adorable! They Met One Summer At Camp America And Have Continued To Be Long Distance Ever Since!

It’s time for me to share another long distance couple relationship story! It’s just so refreshing reading all about other couples that are in LDRs. When you’re in a relationship that requires living miles away from your partner, it’s not easy – especially if it’s your first LDR! So, knowing that you’re not alone is always a reassuring feeling. I’ve interviewed tons of other LDR couples – you can read their adorable and inspiring stories by clicking here!

The couple I am going to be talking about in this blog post met at a summer camp a few years ago and they haven’t let long distance affect their relationship. They are so incredibly happy with each other and they understand that the distance will not break them! So, without further ado, let’s get into this inspiring story of the long distance relationship couple, Michele and Glenn!

Long Distance Couple Relationship Story

This story features a beautiful couple named Michele and Glenn! Michele submitted their long distance relationship story to my blog and after reading it, I was so invested in their relationship! Michele and Glenn met in June of 2018 at a summer camp. She’s been going to this camp since she was ten years old – so, it’s a place that’s very important to her… Little did she know, that’s where she would meet the love of her life!

Here’s a little backstory…

Michele lives in America – specifically in the state of Nevada. Her partner, Glenn, lives all the way over in England, United Kingdom! It’s a huge amount of distance! One of the downsides to them living in different countries is that they have a large time difference between them. England is 8 hours ahead than Nevada. When Glenn says goodnight, it’s only the afternoon for Michele! So, when she wakes up the next morning, she calls Glenn over video-chat and she tells him all about what she got up to that evening. Glenn then tells her all about his morning.  So, let’s get back to how they got to know each other…

In 2018, Glenn ended up going to the same camp that Michele was at through the Camp America exchange program. For those of you who don’t know, Camp America is an awesome experience… According to their website, “Camp America is the biggest and best summer camp organization and a J1 visa sponsor, sending thousands of people to work in the USA for 9-week placements!” So, once Glenn signed up for the camp, he was eager to go!

Glenn ended up becoming a resident staff member at the camp they were at. Meanwhile, Michele was helping them out during staff training week. A mutual friend ended up properly introducing them and well, they immediately hit it off!

After camp, they had to continue doing long distance… Well, are you ready for some extremely amazing news?

In August of 2019, Glenn proposed to Michele and now they’re engaged!

I always love hearing about when long distance couples get engaged – once you’re married, things get so much easier! You can legally live together and properly start a life together! Although they live far away from each other, Michele has said that long distance has been successful for them due to them communicating often! They use the messaging app, WhatsApp, to talk every day. They also write letters to each other, and of course, use other forms of social media as well. Something that helps them to break the distance is they always try to plan their next visit as soon as they can. It gives them something to look forward to and they can start a countdown. It’s always is nice to know the next time you get to hug your partner again!

When asking Michele what makes her LDR special, she said:

We met completely by chance (or fate, or divine intervention, …or something)! Summer camp has always been special to me, and I never expected to meet my future husband there. At the end of the summer of 2018, we took a month-long road trip together up the west coast— that really put no doubt in our minds about continuing our relationship after his Visa ended.”

When it comes to their relationship, their biggest struggle is having to wait to see each other again. Each time they’ve been apart it’s been around 4 months. Obviously, no one wants to go even a couple of weeks without seeing the love of their life – so, 4 months is extremely difficult! Thankfully because they’re engaged, they’ll be able to break the distance soon and never have to worry about being apart for that long again! After getting engaged in August, they submitted their Fiancé Visa petition! (Woohoo!) They’re in another season of waiting, but this time it’s to hear if his Visa has been approved – it’s so exciting!

Michele also told me that “being in a relationship with someone from another country has been so fun for both of us. We’ve gotten to experience different parts of the world together, and that’s been really special.”

I am so happy for this beautiful couple! They’re proof that love is so much greater than distance! Soon enough, they’ll be able to fully break the distance and live the rest of their lives knowing that they can overcome anything together!

Huge thank you to Michele and Glenn for sharing their long distance relationship couple story. I hope it can inspire other people who are in long distance relationships. I truly wish them the best of luck and I can’t wait to see their wedding photos!

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